Federacion Maranatha de Associaciones Gitanas


Maranatha Federacion: Maranatha Foundation of Gipsy Associations is an organization of 15 associations distributed throughout the Valencia Community. They are mostly integrated by young people. Their main objectives are the training of Roma people and the promotion of this ethnic group and its culture. It has 3 staff at the central office.

The Maranatha Foundation consists of a central head office and a training centre with good audiovisual and professional infrastructures. Technical experts, peers and volunteers work in service of the member associations and also on the projects that these associations are currently implementing. Those projects are within wider programmes, such as eradication of school early leave/ absenteeism, promotion of Roma women or provision of socio-labour mediation services. Maranatha Foundations are also in charge of the celebration of festivals, intercultural colloquiums, workshops and international seminars.

Projects already implemented or being implemented include:

a) Training workshops and Labour Insertion Programme ‘Technician in Audiovisual Media’.

b) Roma International Seminar.

Results from these projects currently include:

• Opening and running of an e-Portal ‘Internet Mundo Gitano’ (Gipsy World Internet) www.mundogitano.net

• Elaboration of several audiovisual materials, such as the Presentation Video of Maranatha Foundation and the Summary Video of the Roma International Seminar, and the filming of a TV Spot against stereotypes for the third International Cinema Festival for Integration.

Good practice which can be shared with the partnership includes: "Intervention programs, prevention and social integration such as Project Monitor Truancy in the different municipalities of Valencia; Cultural Days delivered by the Roma people. Every year there are activities, workshops, conferences and festivals to promote the culture of Roma, as well as providing Training Workshops and job placements in the auto sector, including driving, maintenance and repair.