





Within the interdisciplinary (inter-thematic) syllabus for Pre-School:


a) The teaching methods and activities are such, in order to allow the children to develop their personality, to socialize and become aware of the human made  and natural environment.


b) The Communication -interaction and presentation of data by different means (crafts, drama, drawing, tables &diagrams) and Technology (tape recorder, camera, computer, etc) assist the learning process in an interactive and multi-sensory way. Language has by definition an interdisciplinary (inter-thematic) characteristic, since oral communication, reading and writing are associated with all issues approached.


c)The syllabus emphasizes on the process without neglecting the importance of knowledge required and produced by the processes.


d)The activities proposed are indicative, since many result from current/everyday events and  from the children's interests.




The teacher:


-Creates the right conditions within an attractive, safe and friendly environment rich in stimuli, in order to ensure optimum motivation and learning conditions for all children.


-Organizes intriguing learning experiences that are meaningful and interesting for the children.
Supports the learning approach through  the means of playing, exploring, exploiting different sources of information, discussions, etc.


-Seeks the participation of each child in the daily activities of and takes advantage the its existing knowledge and experiences. The role of the teacher is very important. The teacher mediates and facilitates the entire learning process.




-The programs are organized around "themes" of interest and are "pedagogically appropriate" for children. The activities developed are collective and favor interaction, communication,  the use of technology, the written and oral speech.


-Fundamental concepts:     Interaction (cooperation, dependence, energy ...)     Dimension (space, time ...)     Communication (code, information ...)     Change (evolution...)     Similarity-Difference (equality - inequality ..)     Culture (tradition…)     System (classify..)


-The work plans are "research" subjects chosen by children. The goals can be individual or collective.  The activities are developed  to stimulate: participation, initiative, cooperation, creativity and dialogue. Emphasis is also given in working in small groups.




Either individually in classroom corners and open spaces. Allows the children to grow, to discover, to use creative materials and media, to experiment, to communicate, collaborate and socialize.


 Or in a group. Organized meetings with the participation of the entire class usually cover some time from daily program. During this time the children can play a team game, sing, listen to a story or a statement from a group of children. The discussions of different topics, work planning, data processing and presentations, are better done in small groups in different "corners" of the class.



Want to contact us?

icon Project Coordinator
Kostas Diamantis-Balaskas
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 0030 210 6822606